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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Hydrology - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Completed Projects


  • The influence of topography and other natural factors on the mobilization of dissolved organic carbon in the Bavarian Forest National Park
    This joint project aims to understand mechanisms influencing DOC export and mobilization in the streams of the Bavarian Forest National Park, with the focus on topography . [Details]


  • Datierung von Uferfiltrat mit Hilfe von Radon als natürlichem Trace
    Ben Gilfedder, Sven Frei [Details]

  • Modellhafte Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung eines naturnahen, passiv-biologischen Verfahrens ohne Energie- und Chemikalieneintrag zur nachhaltigen Aufbereitung kontaminierter Bergbauabwässer
    Joscha Opitz, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Subsurface Stormflow - A well-recognized but still challenging process in Catchment Hydrology (DFG Scientific Network)
    Luisa Hopp [Details]

  • A multi-disciplinary approach to delineate small scale interactions and couplings between hydrology and biogeochemistry in riparian wetlands.
    Sven Nordsiek, Stefan Durejka, Sven Frei, Ben Gilfedder [Details]


  • Rückgewinnung von Phosphat aus anaeroben flachen Grundwässern unter landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden mit Hilfe von Eisen(III)-haltigen Adsorbenzien
    Maria Klug, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Entwicklung einer tiefenspezifischen Temperatursonde für die kontinuierliche Bestimmung von Grundwasserflüssen.
    Alexander Magerl, Sven Frei [Details]

  • Seezeichen: tracer methods for identifying groundwater and surface water cycling, an example from Lake Constance
    Catharina Keim, Ben Gilfedder [Details]

  • Novel ecological Absorbent using schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water.
    Bouchra Marouane, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • "KMU-innovativ Verbundprojekt SAWA: Verwertung von Schwertmannit für Adsorbenzien zur energieneutralen, passiven Wasseraufbereitung, Teilprojekt C"
    Maria Klug, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Sediments of the Soyang Lake Reservoir
    Kiyong Kim, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Water Sources, Flow Paths and Residence Time in a Forested Catchment of the East Asian Monsoon Region
    Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier, Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp [Details]


  • Speciation of organic sulfur in humic acids and natural organic matter after reaction with H2S
    Zhiguo Yu, Jörg Göttlicher, Klaus-Holger Knorr [Details]

  • The influence of hydrological dynamics on iron mineral transformation
    Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Biogeochemistry of trace elements in wetlands
    Harald Biester, Zhiguo Yu, Klaus-Holger Knorr [Details]


  • Material processing at Haean Basin scale: The role of hyporheic exchange and the riparian zone in NO3 and DOC export from catchments
    Svenja Bartsch, Christopher L. Shope, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Root turnover of vascular plants in pristine peatlands of Patagonia
    Werner Borken, Regina Anzenhofer, Klaus-Holger Knorr [Details]

  • Assessing water yield and water quality in complex terrain at small catchment and regional scales
    Christopher L. Shope, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Stimulation the anaerobic oxidation of pyrite by activators at pH 7 in the presence of nitrate
    Ruiwen Yan, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Redox processes along gradients
    Zhiguo Yu, Stefan Peiffer, Klaus-Holger Knorr [Details]

  • Binding mechanisms and mobility of arsenic in wetland soils
    Beate Huhle, Egbert Matzner, Christian Blodau [Details]

  • Interactions between nitrogen deposition, biodiversity and and the biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen and carbon in European peatlands
    Yuanqiao Wu, Kasia Zajac, Christian Blodau [Details]

  • Quantification and Simulation of Groundwater-Lake Interactions at Lake 77
    Christiane Neumann, Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • Impact of groundwater-surface water interactions on sediment biogeochemistry in an acidic mine lake
    Julia Beer, Christian Blodau, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Impact of climate change on DOC and nitrate export for a forested catchment
    Martin Reichert, Sven Frei, Stefan Strohmeier, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Jan Fleckenstein, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Structurally optimized modeling of non-linear effects of meteorological extreme events on water and solute dynamics
    Sven Frei, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Systematic investiagtion on the concentration dynamics of pharmaceutical residues in rivers and river sediments
    Uwe Kunkel, Jutta Eckert, Martina Rohr, Heidi Zier, Michael Radke [Details]

  • Development and optimisation of a process to biosynthesize reactive iron mineral surfaces for Water treatment purposes
    Susanta Paikaray, Christin Damian, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Optimisation of CO2 binding by reaction with alkaline residual materials through the ALCATRAP process
    Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Application of the Peat Archive as Tool in Environmental Chemistry
    Sabine Thüns, Michael Radke, Christian Blodau [Details]

  • Response of belowground carbon, sulphur, and iron cycling in fen soils
    Cristian Estop, Christian Blodau [Details]


  • Contamination of water bodies with antibiotics from shrimp farms: current situation and reclamation technologies
    Michael Radke [Details]

  • Screening for transformation products and metabolites of pharmaceuticals in treated and untreated waste water
    Michael Radke [Details]


  • Atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants (POP) to bogs in Eastern Canada
    Sabine Thüns, Paul Barthel, Michael Radke [Details]

  • Formation and fate of transformation products of pharmaceutically active substances in the aquatic environment
    Michael Radke [Details]

  • Using fiber optics for distributed temperature sensing (DTS) in groundwater-surface water systems
    Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • Limitations of solute exports from a fen soil by substrate availability and transport processes
    Christina Weyer, Gunnar Lischeid, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Coupling of iron and sulphur cycle - the linking process
    Katrin Hellige, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • The Effect of Iron(III)-Sulfide Interactions on Electron Transfer Processes in Anoxic Aquifers
    Katrin Hellige, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Scientific Support in Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Chemical Speciation Modelling, Coordination and Management
    Christian Schröder, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Haderlein [Details]

  • Impact of long-term N deposition on nitrogen transformations and translocation in a northern peatland
    Yangping Xing, Dimitre D. Dimitrov, Christian Blodau, Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • Redox processes of C, S and Fe in a fen soil
    Klaus-Holger Knorr, Christian Blodau [Details]

  • Storage of CO2 and Generation of Alkalinity from Reaction of Alkaline Ashes with Flue Gas
    Martin Back, Martina Heider, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Molecular biological and chemical Characterisation, modelling and optimisation of an established biogas plant
    Likke Likke, Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in Dairy Farm Groundwater
    Michael Radke [Details]

  • The influence of natural organic matter and iron oxides on the redoxstate and complexation of arsenic in aquatic systems
    Markus Bauer, Christian Blodau [Details]


  • Untersuchung der Mobilisierung/Immobilisierung von Arsen an einem Aquifermaterial unter dem Einfluss von Sickerwässern mit hohem DOC-Gehalt
    Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer, Michael Radke [Details]

  • In-situ Spannungen, Mikrotektonik und Gesteins-Fluid-Interaktionen in einem seismisch und hydrothermal aktiven Gebiet krustaler Dehnung
    Stefan Peiffer [Details]


  • Organische Schadstoffe und Schwermetalle in nördlichen Mooren
    Michael Radke [Details]

  • Folgen eines veränderten Klimaregimes auf Kohlenstoffumsetzungen in Feuchtgebieten
    Christian Blodau [Details]

  • Consequences of changed climate regime on carbon release in peatlands
    Christian Blodau [Details]

  • The influence of natural organic matter and iron oxides on the redoxstate and complexation of arsenic in aquatic systems
    Christian Blodau [Details]


  • The influence of NOM and iron oxides on the redox state and complexation of arsenic in natural aquatic systems- field investigations
    Simona Regenspurg, Christian Blodau [Details]


  • Durchführung von Säulenversuchen, Elutionen, Lysimeterversuchen und Stofftransportmodellierungen im Hinblick auf die Verfahrensoptimierung zur Sickerwasserprognose
    Wolfgang Durner, Luisa Hopp, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Kopplung der Oxidation von reduzierten Schwefelverbindungen mit der Reduktion von Fe-Mineralen in anoxischen Sedimenten saurer Seen, Teilprojekt Geochemie
    Winfrid Gade, Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Untersuchung des urbanen Aerosols auf abwasserbürtige Aerosole anhand der Tracer Choprostanol und Cholesterol
    Michael Radke, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Entwicklung eines thermophilen Verfahrens zur mikrobiellen Reinigung Öl- und fettkontaminierter Abwässer
    Alexandra Oberthür, Jörg Taube, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Natural Attenuation - LCKW-Schadensfall Säureharzdeponie Birkach bei Kronach
    Silke Marczinek, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]


  • Langzeitverhalten carbonhaltiger Gasdränschichten bei Durchströmung mit aggressiven Deponiegasen - Grundlagenuntersuchungen
    Stefan Peiffer, Peter Rothenhöfer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]


  • Verbreitung und Bildung von Organometallspezies in Altdeponien
    Dietmar Glindemann, Reimer Herrmann, Frank Hertel, Petra Peintinger, Gunter Ilgen [Details]


  • Investigations concerning mechanisms and kinetics of the inorganic sulfur-bonding in acidified forest soils and identification of the solid-phases of sulfur
    Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Onestep-, multistep- and continuous transient flow experiments for the determination of the soil hydraulic properties
    Wolfgang Durner, Bernd Schultze, Reimer Herrmann [Details]


  • Contribution of Redoxchemical Processes to the Neutralization of Atmospheric Acidification in Small Watersheds, Frankenwald (Northeast-Bavaria)
    Jörg Lindemann, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

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