Hydrological Modeling

Dr. habil. Sven Frei

Numerical models are important tools to qualitatively and quantitatively understand flow and transport processes in natural systems. The work group "hydrologic modeling" applies numerical models in order to investigate interactions between hydrological and biogeochemical processes at various scales for different ecosystems.
Understanding these interactions, together with their potential impact on functions and services of ecosystems, represents an extraordinary interdisciplinary challenge especially considering the effects of climate change. In this context, we investigate couplings between hydrology and biogeochemistry for different types of ecosystems like e.g. river and lake-systems, terrestrial catchments or wetlands. Methodologically, we use established surface/subsurface flow as well as transport models (e.g. MODFLOW, VS2DH, HYDROGEOSPHERE, HYDRUS), complemented by self-developed experimental approaches and a large variety of field methods.