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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Hydrology - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Das geoökologische Projekt Donana-Nationalpark (Spanien)

Presenting person: Prof. Dr. Fernando Díaz del Olmo, Universidad de Sevilla, Geografía Física
Th. 2011-02-10 (16:15-17:45), H6

Eingeladen durch Prof Zöller.

Doñana National Park is located in Andalusia, in the provinces of Huelva, and covers 543 km², of which 135 km² are a protected area. The park is an area of marsh, shallow streams, and sand dunes in Las Marismas, the Guadalquivir River Delta region where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The original area was established in 1963 when the World Wildlife Fund joined with the Spanish government and purchased a section of marshes to protect it. There has been a constant threat to the eco-system, that of drainage of the marshes, the use of river water to boost agricultural production by irrigating land along the coast, and the expansion of tourist facilities (Wikipedia).


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