Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung
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John Tenhunen: Publikationen

Fleck, S; Schmidt, M; Köstner, B; Faltin, W; Tenhunen, JD: Impacts of canopy internal gradients on carbon and water exchange of beech and oak trees in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, in press (2004)
Köstner, B; Schmidt, MWI; Falge, E; Fleck, S; Tenhunen, JD: Atmospheric and structural control on carbon and water relations in mixed forest stands of beech and oak in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, in press (2004)
Subke, J-A; Buchmann, N; Tenhunen, JD: Soil CO2 fluxes in spruce forest - Temporal and spatial variation, and environmental controls in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, in press (2004)
Bernhofer, C; Gay, LW; Granier, A; Joss, U; Kessler, A; Köstner, B; Siegwolf, R; Tenhunen, JD; Vogt, R: The HartX-Synthesis: An experimental approach to water and carbon exchange of a Scots pine plantation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 53, 173-183 (1996)
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