BayEOSArduino Library
S.Holzheu (stefa), O.Archner ( n.ho lzheu @uni -bayr euth .deolive) chner @uni -bayr euth .de
Source Code is available on
BayEOS Arduino is developed by BayCEER IT Group. It is a bunch of classes to facilitate sensor data acquisition with Arduino based systems.
All transport classes inherit from the BayEOS base class. The constructors and the initialization functions will vary between the classes. But constructing the payload and sending will be all the same.
BayEOS Transport Classes may have a pointer to a BayEOSBuffer instance. When sending the payload fails the BayEOSBuffer can be used to temporary store the payload for later resend. Most used implementations are BayEOSBufferSPIFlash and BayEOSBufferRAM
BayEOSBuffer Class may have a pointer to a RTC instance. With a RTC BayEOSBuffer uses RTC.get().now() to store absolute or relative timestamps instead of the less accurate millis() function. RTClib implements some I2C real time clocks (e.g DS3231). For the BayEOS-LowCurrentBoard has a clock crystal 32.768 khz. The RTC_Timer2 Class implements the required functions.
There are some sensor classes, e.g. the DS18B20 (Dallas OneWire temperatur sensor), MLX90614 (IR temperature sensor), BME280 (Temperature, Humidity, Pressure), SHT3x ...
HX711Array reads out several HX711 24-bit ADCs used for load cells. MCP342x is a class to access a I2C 18-bit ADC with internal voltage reference. MAX11212 is as 16-bit ADC with external voltages reference.
Very important is also the included third party SDI12 class to read out SDI-12 sensors.